Creamy coco chilly pepper trout

Rainbow trout filets cut into 8 -10 pieces
Cumin powder - 1/2 tspnAdd Image
Red chilly powder - 1 heaped tspn
Black pepper ground - 1/2 tspn
Coconut powder - 4 tblspns
Olive oil - 2 tblspns
Fresh cilantro chopped
Salt to taste

Method: Clean, rinse and dry the trout pieces between paper towels, rub them with salt, red chilly powder, cumin powder, ground pepper, lemon juice & chopped cilantro and let them marinate for 10 - 15 minutes. Put 4 tblspns of coconut powder in a small dry plate. Take the trout pieces one at a time, dab them in the coconut powder and shallow fry all of them in a non stick pan on medium heat till they are just done. Take care not to over cook them by turning over after 3 minutes and cooking each side only once. They should be golden on the outside and juicy on the inside. They are just delicious! Enjoy with rice and curry.

My Spicy Green Chilli Chicken

2  Chicken breasts (1kg)
2 tsp Ginger garlic paste
 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
1/2 tsp Cumin powder
2 + 1 tbs Corn flour

For the chutney:
Green chillies - 4-5
1 cup Fresh chopped cilantro
1/2 cupFresh chopped curly parsley
1/2 inch piece Ginger
Onion (small)
1 Tomato (medium)
 2 tbs Vinegar
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil for deep frying

1. Clean, wash, dry and cut the chicken breasts into small bite size pieces. Rub with salt, black pepper, ginger garlic paste, cumin and turmeric powder and keep aside for 1/2 an hr.

2. Add 2 tbs corn flour to the marinated chicken pieces and mix well. Break the egg into the chicken and mix gently so that all the chicken pieces are well coated.

3. Deep fry them lightly in medium to hot oil till they just turn opaque. Remove from pan, drain and keep aside.

4. Blend together all the ingredients of the chutney. Add salt. The chutney is now ready.

5. Take another pan add 3-4 tbs of oil and set it on medium heat. Add the chutney to the oil and cook till the colour darkens a bit and begins to thicken. Now adjust the seasoning after adding vinegar and salt. Take 1/4 cup of water, blend in 1 tbs cornflour and add to the chicken as it is cooking. Mix well. The corn flour paste gives the sauce a glazed look. Let it simmer on low heat for 2 to 3 minutes.Serve hot with fried rice or noodles and enjoy.

As a variation you can add garlic (2 cloves) instead of ginger in the chutney. You get the zing thing with the ginger while the garlic tones it down a bit. 

Creamy coco lemon pepper fish

Basa fish filets - 4
Fresh curly parsely chopped- 1/2 tbspn
Lemon pepper powder - 2 tspns
Coconut powder - 4 tblspns
Ground cumin - 1/2 tspn
Olive oil - 2 tblspns
Salt to taste

Method: Clean, rinse and cut each Basa fish filet into 2 or 3 pieces. Rub them with salt & cumin & keep them aside. After 10 minutes sprinkle lemon pepper, throw in chopped parsely & dust with coconut powder so that it coats evenly and thoroughly. Then shallow fry them in olive oil in a non stick pan and serve them hot with steamed or fried rice.

Tandoori Naan

4 cups white flour
1 egg
1/2 cup plain sour yoghurt
1 tblspn vegetable oil
1 tblspn butter
1 tspn active dried yeast
1/2 tspn baking powder
3/4 cup lukewarm water
1tspn sugar
Salt to taste

Add 1/2 a tspn salt & baking powder to the flour run the processor to blend well. Add egg, yoghurt, yeast (dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water) and pulse 3 to 4 times till the dough is formed. Add a little more water and process well till you get a sticky, gooey dough for the Naan. Make 8 balls out of the dough and put them on a greased cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Cover with a damp cloth and leave for 4hrs till they are double in size. Set the oven to broil at 450 degrees fahrenheit. Take one ball, dust it with a little flour, then flip flap in between the palms of your hands till it gets the shape of a naan. Put it on the griddle or a frying pan to toast on one side. You can give it a good shape by pressing it on the uneven sides after you put it on the griddle. Once you see the bubbles on the top remove and put it on broil in the oven so that the bubbly untoasted side is under the broil. Wait for it to puff up -2-3 mins. As soon as it turns golden brown remove from the oven, brush it with butter or olive oil. The Naan is now ready. Enjoy it with a delicious curry of your choice.

Whole wheat Naan

4 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 a cup plain yoghurt
1 tspn yeast
1/2 a tspn baking powder
2 tblspn Olive oil
Salt to taste
Chopped pudina/cilantro/onions & green chillies/garlic butter can be used for naan variations.

Method: Dissolve yeast in a small bowl filled with 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Add one tspn salt to the flour and run the food processsor. Add the yoghurt & yeast mixture followed by 1 tblspn olive oil. Process well till the dough is well mixed and is sticky, elastic and gooey. Make balls out of the dough. Press the balls between the palm of the hand, toast them on one side of the griddle. Set the oven to broil at 450 degrees. Once the naan is toasted nicely (shows golden brown specs at the bottom and tiny bubbles on top) slide it on the top shelf of the oven and let it bake for 2 minutes until it turns golden brown. Watch the naan carefully at this stage as it takes just a couple of minutes to bake on one side. It first puffs up and then turns golden brown. Remove from the oven and enjoy the naan with the curry of your choice.

Naan variations: Pudina Naan, Hara dhania Naan, garlic butter naan etc. After you press the naan on the griddle or tava, sprinkle the pudina/cilantro/onions & green chillies, press lightly and then grill under the broil for 2 - 3 minutes. The naan is ready to enjoy.