Pudina (Mint) Chutney Curry

This is one of my favorite curries that my mom used to make with plain boiled or palao rice. She would make it quite often but we never got tired of it and always enjoyed it very much. I know I can never make it as good as her but I have tried my best. Here's the recipe:

Fresh Mint: 1 cup
Fresh Cilantro - 1/2 a cup
Green chillies - 4 (medium size)
Garlic cloves - 4 (medium size)
Tamarind - small ball (the size of a small lime)
 Dried red chillies - 3 - 4 small
Mustard seeds   - 1/4 tsp
Curry leaves - a few
Sliced onion - 1 large
Vegetable oil -  2tbs
Salt to taste

1. Rinse the mint and cilantro leaves, green chillies, garlic and tamarind, drain and put everything in the grinder and grind to a slightly coarse paste.
2. Heat the oil in a sauce pan. Add dried red chillies and  mustard seeds.  When they begin to crackle add the onion slices and curry leaves.
3. Stir fry the onions till they turn translucent. At this stage add the ground chutney to the fried onions etc in the sauce pan. Give it a stir, adjust the salt. Your mouth watering mint chutney curry is ready. Enjoy!